Daily progress is… bite size
Daily progress is… bite size
Often times when someone comes to me for training with their dog, it is after they have tried a lot of stuff out on their own with little or no success. By this time, the owner is feeling frustrated with the dog and the dog is feeling confused and frustrated with the owner. Some people simply know they need a bit of outside help while others feel like they are out of options and are contemplating giving their dogs away. And of course there is everyone in between these points. Whoever you are, where ever you’ve been, and where ever you’re going… the landscape may be vastly different but the journey is much the same. Daily progress, consistent effort, one small step at a time. There will be times when you think that you’re spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere with your dog’s training, but that doesn’t mean it’s true! Sometimes the daily progress might be so small that you can’t see the improvement until you’re further down the road looking back on the vast distance that you have actually travelled. Remember, it doesn’t always come together in one session, one day, one week or sometimes even one month. Progress requires consistent and correct practice over time… and toss the idea of perfection out the window too. Perfection doesn’t exist, not for any dog or any human. We all make mistakes from time to time and that’s ok. And above all remember this, mistakes are NOT failures. Mistakes are wonderful! Mistakes are incredible opportunities for growth and learning and discovery. The only possible way you can fail is to stop trying or to give up. So whenever you’re feeling discourage because your dog blows you off or jumps on a stranger, hang in there, dig deep and find your grit, get some help if needed and try again! Happy training my friends!💗