Leadership after training
The question is not "can this trainer fix my dog?" The question is "can I continue the work with my dog where the trainer left off?"
Are you willing to live the 'training lifestyle' with your dog in exchange for long term results? I mean REALLY willing? Even when you are feeling weak or soft and wanting that cuddle on the couch or allowing the dog free run of the house instead of crating? Training the dog is only part of the process, the training done up front by your dog trainer gets your dog into a better space where you can now safely take over but there is still a lifetime of work left to do! That work can only be done by owners because dogs can behave perfectly with the trainer who holds them accountable and then horribly with an owner that doesn't.
It is so vital that owners learn the skills, gain the knowledge and be firm in their mental and emotional ability to take over and uphold the rules, structure and accountability. If you don't change how you interact and live with that dog after you invest your money in the training, then things will go right back to the way they were. This training thing is about so much more than just fixing a troubled dog.... it's about owners learning how to be leaders, learning how to control and restrict privileges and freedom, owners getting cozy with making the tough calls, advocating for their dogs (even if that means 'seeming rude') and also holding their dogs accountable. During the training program the dog trainer does the heavy lifting to get our dogs unstuck and to get us started .... but now we’ve got to learn how to be that dogs handler, trainer, guardian, and advocate. If we as owners fall into our old patterns ... then our dogs will fall into their old habits.