Bikes! Oh My!

Bikes can be a source of stress for a lot of dogs. They are so quick, those spinning wheels are so enticing and a bike can roll up on him FAST and without a sound. So teaching the anxious and reactive dog to relax around bikes starts at home before we even leash up for a walk. This is why we do so much work on thresholds, place command, CALM duration on the place cot, crate exercises, learning the proper heel, etc. These are all ways we can influence a dog's mind and show him how to be calm and how to look to his handler for guidance/instructions (LEADERSHIP). These are all exercises that we can use to teach (and continue to practice to maintain it long term!!!) a dog the skill sets he's missing and to demonstrate our solid leadership which will make him feel safe and protected.

Bikes, barking dogs, people, and atvs. When working with a reactive dog there are a couple of things that I like to do to make sure things go smoothly... firstly do your homework. So we practice our heeling and leash walking in a low distraction area first before upping the ante to a busier area. Next, make use of space. If we are walking and I see a dog up ahead who is pulling and frantic then I move over and create a lot of space ... the more space I create the easier it will be for my dog to walk by without reacting. Lastly... give a lot of guidance. When I'm walking a reactive dog I am giving them information and guidance whenever they need help to stay calm, walk in the heel or adjust their speed. All these little things can really help a dog to focus on his handler and not on the trigger of his reactivity.


Take a Step Back


Prey Drive