Walking formerly reactive dogs in the presence of their triggers is all about clear and consistent leadership and expectations from the handler to the dog. Dogs are always learning from and taking in information about their handler. They are always aware of their handler’s firmness or softness, leadership or lack of it. A dog’s behaviour and mindset is the sum of what her handler has allowed and not allowed, taught or not taught, corrected or caved into... meaning that for better or for worse, the dog is behaving the way the handler has taught them to behave. The good news is that if what we’ve been sharing with the dog has taught her to behave poorly and treat us and others poorly, then we also have the power to change what we share with the dog and thus change her behaviour and mindset! This is a VERY important conversation about taking ownership so that we can make changes for the better, not about blaming or excuses or the ‘why’. Blaming bad behaviour on the dog or other people/dogs is unhealthy and keeps us stuck in a place of helplessness where we’re unable to improve our own situation. But, understanding that blame is irrelevant and that a more productive approach is taking ownership, we can empower ourselves to make changes instead of excuses. 😉 My goal as a dog trainer is to create empowed human LEADERS, not followers. Every dog needs a strong and consistent leader who shoulders the responsibility and does the work to improve both their lives. It’s never easy, but it’s always worth it ❤️
I have noticed that fear of conflict or seeming ‘rude’ to a stranger was a common theme among folks who weren’t advocating or their dogs consistently. I make sure that when I walk formerly dog reactive dogs that I’m sticking to on leash areas and not knowingly walking into an off leash dog park or other areas where one could expect to find off leash dogs... that would just be silly and undermining ourselves. When I’m passing oncoming dogs, I always set my own dog up for a calm mind and an obedient body BEFORE we pass and I also either take space away from the on-comer or if we don’t have space then I put my dog on the outside so that we pass people to people and not dog to dog. If we are stuck between snow banks and the oncoming dog and owner were occupying the entire sidewalk you would hear me call out to the other owner that I’m sticking to my own side and that we don’t want to meet. I always put the onus and the responsibility squarely on my own shoulders and my statements are polite but firm... non negotiable. The majority of folks out there will have no problem with you not wanting a meeting, they just simply don’t know that until you speak up and tell them. The more you advocate, the easier it gets and the more confident you (and your grateful formerly reactive dog!) feel and the more you realize that all those worries about potential conflict are a small price to pay for the benefits of a well mannered dog rocking her leash walk!