I don't need dog friends!
When your dog feels worried about other dogs it makes it’s hard for her to focus on her commands so I use her remote collar to give her the help and guidance she needs to navigate this situation successfully and calmly. Dogs who don’t like other dogs can learn to behave politely around them but we often can’t teach them to love dogs or want to play with other dogs. So what I always recommend to folks who have a dog like this is:
Number 1: Accept your dog for who he or she is... it’s ok not to like parties, social gatherings or other dogs. And there is nothing wrong with a dog who isn’t interested in socializing, it’s just who they are.
Number 2: Advocate for your dog ALWAYS, make sure dogs and people aren’t pressuring them or harassing them or making them feel uncomfortable or forced to defend themselves from unwanted attention or touching. It’s the handlers job to stop this stuff, not the dogs.
Number 3: Hold your dog accountable for polite manners and behaviour. If you’re on top of number 1 and number 2 then the dog should be doing their part too by giving you their best work at all times!