Triggering old habits

Sometimes familiar people or familiar surroundings can trigger the old habits...
Often times when dog and family are reunited after the board&train, just being near their family can trigger some of the dog’s old habits that landed them in training in the first place. This is super normal and it’s a rare dog who doesn’t try to push the old boundaries when they see their folks again for the first time after a few weeks... after all, wasn’t that how things used to be?! That is exactly why we empower owners with the knowledge, the skills and the tools so that they are better able to communicate with their dog, set and uphold the new boundaries and help their dogs to make good choices. There is a great moment in this video from Charlie’s Go Home session tonight where she recalls to place, rolls on her side and paws her Mom’s legs. Now this may seem cute, but this kind of pushiness also led Charlie to jumping on her family, mouthing their hands, and nipping at their heels which was definitely not so cute. At that moment you’ll hear me tell Charlie’s Mom to say ‘No’ and tap the remote collar. This simple yet low level tap was the perfect conversation with Charlie to show her that she’d crossed a boundary and that the rules she learned during her board&train are also going to apply with her family. And when we hold our dogs accountable for polite behaviour in all the small moments then it tends to be much easier for them to give us good behaviour in the bigger moments. Great work everyone!!!


Deconstructing anxiety...


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