Cleaning up together
I always like to see how the dogs in training handle common household activities like the noisy vacuum cleaner, the clanging pots and pans and the roaring dishwasher. A lot of dogs get very excited or anxious about these sorts of noises/activities so I checking in with the dog to see how she feels about all this hustle and bustle. Lots of dogs have been known to chase the broom and vacuum around so one of my favourite ways to help them to mind their manners in these types of exciting situations is by using our Place Command and space. While on Place I do all the cleaning and straightening in the other half of the room. Once I’m done there, I move the dog over to the tidy side of the room so that I can get to work on the messy half. Having the quick movements of a vacuum cleaner whirl by too close to some dogs on Place can be a super tempting chase or a worrisome close call, so to help them succeed I’m going to ask them to calmly hold their commands and keep some space between us. The magic of the place command is that while on Place, the dog is completely off limits to EVERYONE (people and other dogs and kids and cats and even vacuum cleaners) so that they can do their best at being calm and staying put without any unfair interference. That way our pups can stay out of mischief while at the same time practicing and getting really good at impulse control, calm behaviour, and relaxation... all the great skills that will help them everywhere in life!
When dogs are on Place, they are:
🐾NOT chasing or biting the broom
🐾NOT jumping
🐾NOT barking
🐾NOT counter surfing
🐾NOT stealing food or laundry
🐾NOT jumping on furniture
🐾NOT racing through the house
🐾NOT rushing guests at the door
🐾NOT begging at the table
🐾NOT underfoot
🐾NOT destroy household items... or the house
🐾NOT pestering kids or other pets
🐾NOT getting into the trash
🐾NOT smushing noses on the windows
🐾NOT practicing over excitement