Cultivating Good Choices

As owners and handlers of young dogs, we are in a very powerful and unique position to shape their mindset and behaviour by staying on top of things correctly and CONSISTENTLY. Cultivating them towards good choices and calm behaviours by not enabling their inner devil through permissiveness, unearned freedoms and privileges, and missed opportunities to correct poor choices.

I can’t stress enough how very important it is to be CONSISTENTLY structured, accountable, boundary settling, rule following and disciplined with our growing dogs to help prevent issues like reactivity, anxiety and aggression.

In this video, I’m working on some obedience recall drills and focused/non reactive state of mind with Bruce around lots of distractions in the yard. Bruce is a very pushy and intense bulldog so giving him very clear information/instructions and non negotiable boundaries are very important in helping him make good good choices. We’ll done, wiggle bum!


Walk Reactivity


new friends