The Importance of Place for Rehab
A training dog does a lot of place command every day as our busy daily life (with all it’s crazy distractions) unfolds around them while I advocate for her and her personal space and help her keep a calm state of mind, follow and hold commands. Holding command and coexisting calmly with former triggers (dogs and people), is especially challenging for a dog that, in the past, has had free roaming privileges which made it very easy for her to act on her reactivity.
Dogs who lack impulse control (aka explode at the door/reactivity on the walk/lung and bite/etc.) are very clearly telling us that they are
1/mentally aroused and
2/irresponsible with the privilege of freedom
It’s up to us handlers to correct the dogs mindset (address mental arousal) and then apply the structure of command (remove free roaming) to help the dog stay calm and be able to make good choices in the presence of former triggers. This stuff is especially tough for a lot of dogs and so they have to rely on our proactive and present leadership to help them navigate the world appropriately because left to themselves, they usually make the choices that are dangerous and unacceptable in the human world.