Owning A Wrench Doesn't Make Me A Mechanic
Off leash reliability and control using ecollar communication takes a great deal of education and work (aka training and consistency!) to teach a dog what the ecollar signal means, it’s not simply just strapping an ecollar on the dog and presto you have a reliable recall.
If it were that simple, I could by and hammer and presto, I built a house! Or I could buy a wrench and presto, I fixed a car! Unfortunately it just doesn’t work that way.
Just like the hammer and the wrench, the ecollar is useless in unskilled hands because there is a process to learn how to use those tools properly and proficiently. In this video, you’ll see me teaching Cloud how to follow the handler off leash using ecollar communication. In the beginning he is starting and stopping erratically, zooming ahead and getting distracted but as I continue communicating with him through the ecollar, he soon begins to understand that I want him the follow me and also how to accomplish that!
Just like humans, dogs have different learning styles and differ processing times. Some dogs seem to need the same exercises repeated over and over, day after day before they get savvy with it. Some dogs pick things up within 1-2 reps of showing them and are hungry for more, while others appear to not understand a thing during a session or walk but actually process their lessons resting in their crate at night and have got it down pat perfectly the very next day! All dogs are different in so many weird and wonderful ways which is why it’s so VERY important NOT to compare your dog to someone else’s and NOT to compare one dogs progress to another dog’s, but instead to focus on how to best help each individual become the best version of who they actually are.