Muzzle for Comfort
For whatever reasons, some dogs just don’t like personal touching in certain areas or certain situations and sometimes they react with a flinch and a bite. And while it’s never ok to bite, we humans also need to understand that sometimes what we’re doing to a dog is actual quite uncomfortable and unfair from his perspective, even though it may be for the good of his health and wellness like needle pokes and examinations at the vets office or unintentional hair or ear pulling during grooming.
To make these necessary but uncomfortable situations easier on everyone and safe for the human handlers, we teach these kinds of dogs to wear a muzzle so that human hands stay safe and the dog doesn’t get to develop his biting skills. As human handlers we must also be respectful and safety conscious of our touch sensitive dogs which means never grabbing them by the collar (use the leash and the ecollar), never touching/bugging them when they are asleep (wake them up with your voice or clapping and then use your commands and training), not grabbing the dog inappropriately (keep children out of the dogs personal space), always advocating for them (not allowing unwanted touching by strangers) and of course always holding our dog accountable for his best effort and polite manners.
We have lots of muzzle conditioning videos on YouTube - check out our Playlist!