We all start somewhere

For a lot of us, we have spent some time listening to this message "why are you doing that? Who do you think you are?" This message may have come from family, friends, strangers or from our own negative self-talk… you know that voice in your head that makes you feel embarrassed or afraid of trying something new? At some point we were all ‘green’ to whatever we now do expertly.

A university professor at one time was a student, a surgeon was once a patient, a novelist was once learning her ABC’s, and a dog trainer was once a struggling dog owner. So no matter who you are, or where you are on your journey whether it be life in general or specific to dog training you have every right to be ‘who you are’ and ‘where you are’.

We all have to learn the right skills to succeed at our chosen professions/hobbies/interests/etc. and we all have our own learning styles and methods. It’s true, that most of us will make mistakes along the way, but, if we push through and try again, that’s also the way we learn the most valuable lessons and ultimately gain the confidence to succeed. So the next time that little voice (or real life voice) questions you or makes you feel small, just remember that you have every right to learn and grow in whatever direction and style you choose.

Happy training my friends!!!


Own Your Personal Space


Oops! She Jumped right in!