Building Confidence in Anxious Dogs

Confidence building comes in many forms and one of the ways I like to help dogs gain confidence in themselves and their ability to conquer scary new challenges is through obstacle work! An empty playground was the perfect spot for Rocky and I to have some fun while also pushing him out of his comfort zone by having him climb around the pieces of equipment suitable for a dog (solid stairs, low platforms, the short slide, low perches and mini balance beams... no Evel Knievel stuff tho!). After first leading a dog on leash through the obstacles, I then start sending him through them on his own which was a pretty big challenge because not only might he be unsure about climbing on these contraptions but his separation anxiety can tell him to cling to me rather than boldly face the obstacles alone! Using our remote collar communication, I helpe the dog ‘listen’ to and follow his training rather than giving into and being controlled by his anxiety. When dogs get caught up prioritizing fear and anxiety over everything else, their worlds get very small, very stressful and very uncomfortable. Through training, accountability and proactive handler guidance, we can help our anxious or insecure dogs be so much more comfortable in the world by teaching them new healthy skills and habits while also stopping them from practicing their old unhealthy/unhelpful habits.


Expect 100% from your dog


Doggy Meditation is still training