Stop it before it starts
When it comes to following commands and ignoring distractions like other dogs or people, we handlers need to proactively help our dogs BEFORE they run into trouble by telling them what to do, correcting naughty intentions and having the dog in command rather than being reactive and victim to the dog’s anxious, bratty, rude choices. If we are waiting ‘to see what happens’ or allowing the dog to do what he wants then we are setting him (and us!) up for failure because he is bound make big mistakes without his handlers commands and direction. A dog who has a history of using anxious and reactive choices to control people and situations, so we need to always be proactive by correcting their anxious or reactive intentions and directing him into good choices (calmly holding command) and not allowing bad behaviour. This is active leadership and it’s what our dogs need from us if in return we want them to give us good polite mentally balanced behaviour.