Earn the Affection!

Unearned affection is one of those areas that has a massive impact on our relationship with a dog and also on his mindset... and usually not in a good way. Dogs who demand/take unearned pets, treats, cuddles, couch/furniture time, access to our personal space, to be constantly accommodated or they throw a tantrum, special privileges, etc. can develop some pretty demanding and bratty ‘attitudes’ about these privileges when they feel so entitled to them. So during the training and the post training period, we hold back on giving these privileges until the dog has earned them honestly through consistent polite behaviour and a willing courteous attitude. So one of the ways that I always recommend having that personal touch with a dog, in a constructive way, during this period is through grooming. Most of our dogs need daily grooming anyway, so it’s a great opportunity to work on any handling/touching issues with the dog while also having that personal touch but with very clear boundaries. If a dog has been known to demand attention from people by rudely flipping their hands with his nose and staring and harassing them until they give in to his demands for pets and food so affection and privileges definitely need to be tightly controlled. A daily grooming ritual is something that both the dog and his handler can enjoy while still having the dog respect rules and boundaries.


Follow the Leader! The loose heel


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