Follow the Leader! The loose heel
The follow command is a way to move our dogs around in a controlled way. Often times when I’m taking dogs out to potty, moving them from room to room or even going on an off leash hike in the woods or stroll along the beach, I have the dog hold a follow command so that I’m still giving them structure and guidance and able to advocate for them even when they are off leash or we are doing routine tasks. The follow command is built off the recall command ‘come’ so I’m using the same word. II will say '[dog’s name] come’ as I start walking. When the dog stands up and joins me, their job is to follow me and keep close to me by staying in a loose heel. He can be on my left or my right or directly behind me but not pass me or race ahead of me and not stray off in either direction. He needs to stay within my bubble. When the dog is in the follow command in this situation, there is no sniffing either because that often leads to dogs wandering away from their handler.
I love the follow command because the dog is still working on and being held accountable for having a calm mindset, staying more focused on the handler than the environment and it’s also very easy to advocate for the dog when they are in this position. Another great use for the follow command is when your dog accompanies you to the market or dog friendly store and your hands are full with shopping! I often loop the leash over my arm and opt to use the follow command as I walk around the store with hands full holding my purchases. Practical real life training skills for real life situations!