Perception vs Motivation
What is the difference between ‘perception’ and ‘motivation’?
In this video, you’ll see a great example of when I move from perception levels (the lowest level tingle that the dog can feel... I use this to start teaching and guiding the dog when I begin overlaying the remote collar over our leash work) to motivational levels (the level that best helps the dog stay focused on and complete the command) during an early teaching phase. When dogs get distracted, the level at which we are communicating often becomes irrelevant. So, in order to help the dog stay focused on their handler and their commands, we have to find the level that is more helpful to the dog in the presence of the distraction. And this would be the motivational level. Because we don’t want to compete with the environment, other dogs or people, etc. for the dogs attention and focus during important situations like recalls or when safety is required, we use motivational levels that help us maintain a dialogue with the dog and stay relevant to them as distractions increase.