I'm going through changes

Making and maintaining big changes in the mindset and behaviour of our dogs takes daily work and consistency. I’m so fortunate to have some pretty amazing clients who put in this fantastic effort with their dog’s every day and are also rewarded for their work with the benefits of having polite and well trained dogs. Some of the key factors to long term success with our dogs is a consistent lifestyle of structure, rules, boundaries and accountability.
STRUCTURE- Place Command in the house, follow command off leash, structured heel on leash, crating at night and when home alone, limiting and controlling freedom, addressing mental arousal/over excitement
RULES- Follow obedience commands, calm mindset, no shenanigans like jumping/counter surfing/pulling/over excitement/reactivity/etc., be polite and respectful at all times, understand and respect YES AND NO
BOUNDARIES- don’t enter the personal space of others unless invited, respect thresholds/heel/Place Command, there are limits to your actions and freedom
ACCOUNTABILITY- consequences for your choices, good choices and actions are rewarded, poor choices and actions are corrected (YES AND NO)


Table for One Please


When dogs and Kids collide