Table for One Please
Question: How does my dog meet another dog on the walk?
Answer: THEY DON’T!
Two of the most common reasons why dogs become leash reactive towards other dogs is
1/ They are encouraged to get mentally aroused/excited about/seek out meeting other dogs on leash without being taught impulse control, polite manners, how to heel calmly and properly and how to stay tuned into the handler and not fixate on distractions (other dogs!)
2/ When they have been enabled/allowed/encouraged to excitedly seek out other dogs on leash that ‘meeting’ has gone horribly horribly wrong and become a lasting bad experience.
The way to avoid creating leash reactivity is through calm and polite leash training, advocating for your dog (keeping people and other dogs OUT of his personal space), holding your dog accountable for calm and polite leash manners and saying ‘NO’ to on leash meetings makes for happy and calm walks!!!