Gooooood Giiirrrrlll!
I use the words ‘good’ and ‘no’ to give dogs feedback as we are working on remote collar obedience skills. Both words are marker words that let the dog know that they are on the right track ‘good’ or that they aren’t and need to try something else ‘no’.
My tone is flat when I use the words ‘good’ and ‘no’ to mark what I want and what I don’t want as we work. Human emotions like an over excited ‘Gooooddddd Giiirrrrrlllllll!!!!!’ or a frustrated ‘Noooooooo!’ makes learning incredibly difficult and sometimes impossible because the dog may already be teetering on the edge mental arousal so it’s super important that we keep our feedback calm and neutral to help them and not add our own excitement or emotions to make their job more difficult.